


Being a member of Southern Districts Dressage Club entitles you to discounted entry fees at competitions, you can participate in whatever clinics and other events organised by the club. 


Our annual membership fee is due by the 31st December each year.


We are affiliated with the Albany Equestrian Centre and Equestrian Australia, and being a member of the Club entitles you to ride on the Albany Equestrian Centre grounds and participate in any A.E.C. co-hosted events.


Albany Equestrian Centre, located on Roberts Road, Albany and boasts an indoor arena, with lights.


Of course if you would like to be a member of Southern Districts Dressage Club we would urge you to read our Club Constitution (effective 9 December 2016) .


Membership is online and you can complete your membership form, which includes the Member Dangerous Activity Acknowledgement, by clicking on the "Membership Form" below


Payment still needs to be made by direct deposit or cheque before your membership takes effect)


Membership is due on or before 31 December 2024



The benefits of SDDC Membership ...


  • First choice to attend all SDDC clinics/schools
  • Take part in all SDDC dressage competitions;
  • Take part in Club only dressage training days;
  • Discounted fees on entry and ground fees for SDDC dressage competitions;
  • Automatic membership to the Albany Equestrian Centre, and the benefits that extend to that membership;
  • Automatic memb ership of the Club's DVD library;
  • "Email Blasts" advertising special schools and other matters of interest mailed directly to your email address;
  • Ability to become part of the Club's Management Committee.



DVD Library ...


Being a member of the Club also entitles you to join our DVD library. Simply complete and forward the application form below, and then for no further costs, sit back and enjoy dressage in the comfort of your home. The current list of titles is also included below, and this grows with new titles being added all the time.



Membership Fees - 2025 ...


  • Riding Membership $50.00;
  • Non-Riding Membership $30.00;
  • Family Membership $95.00;
  • Life Membership Nil;
  • Day Membership $20.00 per day;
Note - Family membership consists of two adults and children under the age of 18 in the same immediate family

Payments ...


All payments to the Club may be made by direct deposit.


Account Name: Southern Districts Dressage Club
BSB: 036 168 Account No. 158842

For competitions, please include surname and competition, eg Jones, SS

For Membership, please include surname and “Mem” in the description